Hey Everyone,
So I've always been a strong believer that if you core/abs are strong then your body benefits greatly!
So, because I have a fat tummy now, I have started doing my ab work-outs after track and in my limited free time...
This workout is what I used to do when I was swimming and sparing for martial arts.
I. Single Bikes-
*There are two very effective ways to do these. Hands on the floor and hands off. Both will create a different work out so I usually do both. (If you know about these, forgive me for the explanation)
1. With your hands on the floor (not elbows, but palms flat, usually a little bit behind you) pull your legs up with your knees bent to your chest. This is considered a starting position. With single bikes you are going to extend one leg at a time pointing your toes as straight as possible. Follow then with your other leg while pulling the other one back to your chest. Like riding a bike. To really get your sides involved with this, swing your shoulders, opposite shoulder to opposite knee. (Does this make sense? I'm bad at explanations sometimes)
2. Hands off the floor. Usually its good to cross your arms close to your chest. Again, swinging motion helps sides.
So the work out:
Single Bikes- Repeat two times
1. Hands on the floor: 40 seconds
2. Hands off: 20 seconds
3. Hands on floor: 30 seconds
4. Hands off: 15 seconds
(Obviously you can change the times needed for these...)
2. Double Bikes-
1. Same as single but your are keeping your legs together. Be careful because this one can hurt your back. If your back starts to hurt, stop =)
1. Hands on the floor - 30 seconds
2. Off the Floor- 20 seconds
3. Hands on the floor - 25 seconds
4. Off the floor-15 seconds
Repeat if desired
Its good to do crunches, but I usually do mine differently.
I do 90 degree crunches and pikes.
90 degree- While laying down, make yourself look like you are sitting in a chair. Your legs should be bent, but your knees should be at a 90 degree angle. Don't let your feet fall down, keep them straight, too. (Putting your feet on a living room table is usually good).
Then there is the pike position. All the divers make the pretty pike dives, where there legs are straight in the air. So in these crunches- your legs are together and straight in the air. Point your toes and you are going to try and push your body to make your finger tips go up past your knees. (Eventually, you want to be able to touch your toes. Crazy hard, but not impossible. I can't do it anymore, but it should be fun to try!) Be careful with these, they can hurt your back, too.
1. 90 degree- 2 x 40
2. Pikes - 2 x 15
3. 90 degree - 2 x 20
4. Pikes 2 x 10
Finally, the famous 6 inches! Or Leg Raises =)
Lay flat on your back and raise your legs 6 inches
Be sure to do these properly!
Hold for 40; 30; 25; 20; 10
between each, rest for 5-8 seconds
Feel free to change the times, but those are what Im going to really start doing as often as possible!!!
Hope this helps. If anyone wants to see exactly what they look like, find me at the fields or something!