Tuesday, August 18, 2009

week after glazed days

Now that summer league is over I want to encourage people to have at least one other extra activity outside of track/practice the goal is to be doing some kind of physical activity 4-5 days out of the week. So that you are not only maintaining thing strength developed, but building on top of that. You can workout at a gym, go for a run, or ride a bike. Do something that gets a good sweat going.

On another note, this is a slightly more strenuous workout, if you are not healthy this may not be the best workout for you. Don’t overdo it, get healthy it sucks nursing and injury all season do what needs to be done to get back to 100%.

Last the workout is more of an explosive workout so keep that in mind when you are doing the exercises and accelerating explode like a stick of dynamite.

Depth Jumps
- You are going to need something that is about 18-30 inches off the ground that you can stand on.

Plyo-pushups- do a push up to lift your hands of the ground clap while in the air. If you have to regular pushups are fine.

Side plank with leg raise-do a side plank and continually raise and lower your top leg while staying balanced.

Single Leg Romanian Dead lift
(bodyweight) if you have weight and feel comfortable using it feel free

Warm-up (either one is fine)-I do want to add one thing for the new warm-up do the hip-flexor stretch where you go on one knee and lean away from your back leg.

3 strides
10 Depth jumps 2 sets 1-2 minutes rest
5 Soft S 2 sets 2 minutes rest
4 suicides 0-10-20-30-40

Core (The main idea here is to be explosive with the exercises except the Romanian Dead Lifts) 20 work 10 rest. 3 minutes rest 2-3 sets
Squat jumps for height
Jack-knife sit ups
Side-plank with leg raises left
Side plank with leg raises right
One leg ankle hops left
One leg ankle hops right
One leg Romanian dead lifts right
One leg Romanian dead lifts left

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