Thursday, December 29, 2005

Intervals and Exhaustion

I'm going to be out of commission for a couple of weeks, so I probably won't be posting much. You guys will have to pick up the slack...Hah!

Anyway, wanted to make a post before my hiatus. Last week, Fox and I went to the track and did the 5x60/50 intervals. I thought I was going to die. We ran each one as hard as we could, but the last one was no where near as fast as the first. I had to lay down on the track after the last one. I didn't throw up though. When we were done, we had planned on throwing a little bit. Our legs were so tired, it was like we were drunk. Completely uncoordinated. This is how I think you should feel after running these intervals.

When I've done the intervals on the stairmaster, I've set a level (15) for the first one, and then tried to keep it up for the rest (usually failing). If you're going to try and run these on a treadmill or stairmaster, something that sets your speed, then you've got to remember to go all out each rep. So the first one should be as fast as you can go, and the last one should be as fast as you can go, but the last one is not going to be as fast as the first. I've done them on the bike too, and although you can regulate your own speed, I still feel like I'm not getting the workout that I get when running at a track.

So, my suggestion would be to run the intervals at a track (or around a field, whatever), and you should be about to pass out afterwards.

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