Thursday, December 08, 2005

Medicine Ball/Plyo Workout

I firmly believe that it is important to mix up your workouts. If you do the same thing every time you workout, your body gets really good at doing that workout, but you're not necessarily going to keep getting the on-the-field improvements. Even changing the order that you workout in can be helpful. So, once a week I try to do a different kind of workout. On Fridays I usually try to do medicine ball/plyos workout. Here's what I'm doing tomorrow:

Lying Med Ball Obliques - 3x10
Outside Rotation Pass - 10 each direction
Inside Rotation Pass - 10 each direction
Underhand Pass - 20
Seated Side Pass - 10 each direction
Situp and Throw - 2x10
Overhead Toss - 15
Lying Trunk Twist - 10
1 Leg Full Squats - to failure
Medicine Ball Pushups - 10
Medicine Ball Toss-Squat-Jump - 2x10
Medicine Ball Pushups - 10
Ankle Hops w/medicine ball - 3x15
Medicine Ball Pushups - 10
Alternating Leg Pushoffs - 2x10
Medicine Ball Pushups - 10
Depth Jump to Rim Jump - 5
30 Second Step Drills - 3

I really like the Medicine Ball Toss-Squat-Jumps. I read about some MLB player, base-stealer who did Medicine Ball Squat-Jump-Throws to increase his speed. I added the toss. You toss the ball straight up, catch it and immediately go into a crouch position (the toss helps load your muscles), then explode up and Throw the medicine ball as far as you can back over your head. I have to take the throw part out at the gym though, I don't think they'd take too kindly to me throwing around their medicine balls.

I don't feel like writing out descriptions to all the exercises. I got most of them from either The Great Medicine Ball Handbook or Jumping into Plyometrics (a great book).


wood said...

This worked out pretty well. I really didn't want to do intervals afterwards (the step drills are pretty tiring), but managed to force myself so that I wouldn't have to post here that I didn't do it.

I did a bunch of oblique exercises to figure out what I like. My favorite was probably the medicine ball side bends (which I appear to have left off the original list).

Got to 21 1 leg full squats (with the right leg). No idea how I'd ever make 50 (Fox).

Edelman said...

descriptions of exercises! how are we sposta do it? isn't that the point of this blog?

wood said...

Ugh, are you going to do all these? I'll post them if you're interested.

Edelman said...

following air alert, i'd like to start a program w/my kids that alternates a 3 day/4 day a week workout schedule, like HIIT 2x a week and this medicine ball workout 1x one week and 2x the next, maybe some 4 day weeks subbing out a medicine ball for another HIIT, just to mix it up a bit, and throw in a week of air alert plyos. so yeah, i am interested, suomi

wood said...


Lying Med Ball Obliques - Lay on back with knees bent. Hold medicine ball in hands and bring the ball above your stomach, from side to side.
Outside Rotation Pass - Pair up. Stand facing away from each other a foot or two apart. Pass a medicine ball to your partner, twist your upper body. Pass along the outside of your bodies.
Inside Rotation Pass - Same as outside rotation pass except stand a little farther apart and twist your upper body even further to pass the ball to the opposite side of your partner.
Underhand Pass - Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold the ball, bend at the knees and waist and throw the ball, granny-style to your partner.
Seated Side Pass - Sit down with legs spread. Your partner will stand behind you. Take the ball and toss it to the side and behind you to your partner (ie not over your head).
Situp and Throw - Hold medicine ball at your chest. Do a normal situp, at the top of the situp, throw the ball to your partner (chest pass).
Overhead Toss - With partner, face each other and toss the ball back and forth, releasing over your head.
Lying Trunk Twist - Lay on back. Place lightweight medicine ball between your knees. Bend knees 90 degrees and hold your lower legs parrallel to the ground. Spread arms out to the side to keep yourself stable. Twist lower body so that your knees touch the ground, then back up and over to the other side. Keep your knees and hips bent at 90 degrees the whole time.
1 Leg Full Squats - You know what these are. I still question to wisdom of these, you've got to have strong legs and no knee problems. Basically you stand on one leg and bend your knee all the way down until your butt is resting on the back of your foot. Go back up and repeat as often as you can. According to Fox, if you can do 50 of these you can dunk a basketball.
Medicine Ball Pushups - Normal pushups except your hands are on a medicine ball. The bigger the ball the easier it is.
Medicine Ball Toss-Squat-Jump - I explained these already. If you can, do them outside so you can throw the ball.
Ankle Hops w/medicine ball - Same ankle hops we always do. Legs straight, no arm movement, just hop using your calves. Only addition is your holding a medicine ball.
Alternating Leg Pushoffs - You need a box for this one, 1-2 feet high. Start with one foot on the box, the other on the ground. Jump straight up, pushing hard off the box. Use your arms to increase your jump height. As you come down, switch feet and immediately jump straight back up again.
Depth Jump to Rim Jump - From 1-2 foot box, hop down to the ground, bend knees and immediately jump straight back up and reach with one hand to touch the rim/backboard/whatever. Immediately jump again reaching with the other hand. Do 3-5 of the regular jumps back to back, then get back on the box and depth jump again.
30 Second Step Drills - Stay with the box, 1-2 feet tall. Stand on one side of the box, turned 90 degrees so the box is to your side. Jump up onto the box, then back down to the other side, then back up, etc. Stay facing the same direction the whole time. Do this for 30 seconds. Try to be on the floor/step as little as possible (ie land and then jump immediately).

Any questions?

Edelman said...

excellent, thanks...any suggestions as to sets and reps?