Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The week before sectionals
Hard S & Soft S-Concentrate on getting the outside foot planted when you turn and drop the hips as you are turning. The term push you ass down has been used to describe this hip movement. This movement does a couple of things, lowers your center of gravity (helps you to turn sharper), and the downward force helps your cleats to grip the ground better (less slipping).
30 yard run,stop,turn, & backs- the important thing here is to use small choppy steps to slow down to a stop. The more steps you can get in there quickly the faster you will stop. Also pump your arms while you stop, since your arms are pumping with every step, faster arm pumps = more steps. On the turn same as above you are dropping you hips to turn around.
4xHard S walk back to the start-1 min rest (after all 4)
4xSoft S walk back to the start-1 min rest (after all 4)
4x30 yard run stop turn and 10 yards back.
Stretching routine from a couple of weeks ago. I really like doing this, i felt it helped out in getting my loose. You could also do some kind of yoga for stretching but I would not do this any later then Thursday afternoon.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
This week In track (Sectionals)
It's the eye of the tiger, it's
the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger
Warm up
This week is a circuit. You are going to be jogging around the track at as fast a pace as you can handle. It is okay to start out fast then have to slow down if necessary. Or you can speed up if you feel like you have recovered some. At the beginning and end of each turn is a "station". At each station you will do one of the exercises below then move on to the next exercise at each turn. Start with a jog then the first exercise. Then a 70 yard sprint at the end. So try to plan on finishing at a straight away. These can be really great if you do them with people and race them. Bring WATER to this track workout, you are going to need it. Work your tail off so you dont get your tail worked off. So at "station 1" you will start with 10 scissor jumps and then jog to station 2 for pushups.
Split squat jumps- start from a forward lunge position ( you want you knee to touch the ground) and jump. While in the air you are going to switch which foot was forward and land in the forward lunge position and jump switching your foward foot again. This is one rep.
Warm up
3 sets of stirdes 50-70 yards
Track and core are included together.
2-4 sets of the following circuit
1·10 each leg -Split squat jumps (scissor jumps)
2· 15 push ups
3· 10 lunges each leg
4· 1 Shuttle cones 10 yards apart from the middle
5· 10 burpees
6· 30 crunches
7·10 squat jumps
8· Forward planks 30sec
finish ·70yard sprint
3 mintues rest
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
First week in september
This week is core first:
Warm up
3 strides
Core 30s Work 15s Rest 2-3 sets 3 minutes rest between sets
1. Canoes with or without weight
2. Squat Hops with reach
3. Mermaids/Mermens
4. Push-ups
5. Front Planks
6. Jumping jacks or Jumping rope
7. Pelvic twists
8x20/10's 20 sec sprint as fast as you can 10 secs walk for a total of 30 seconds per rep 8 reps only 1 set required.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Non-Training Week
Stretching workout (below)
One mile jog
Phase 1: General Warm-up (5 minutes)
Light aerobic activity. Any thing can be performed here as long as you are gradually increasing your heart rate and body temperature. Jog, jump rope,get on a piece or stationary equipment at the gym, do pushups,sit-ups, or lift light weights. Any or all of these activities may be performed for 5 minutes to increase your body temperature until you break a light sweat.
Remember: Hold stretches for 15 to 20 seconds. Do NOT bounce. Stretch to the point of discomfort, NOT pain.
Phase 2: Stretching (25 - 30 minutes)
Static Stretch (Pause 5 seconds in between stretches and repeat)
1. Neck stretch. Forward,back and side
• To stretch the neck, lower your chin to your chest and gently pull on the back of your head to stretch the back of your neck.
• Lift your chin to the sky to stretch the front of your neck.
• To stretch the sides of your neck, lower your chin to your chest and gently pull your head to each side
2. Open shoulder blades
• Place your hands in front of you, chest height; interlock fingers with palms facing you.
• Lower chin to chest and open shoulder blades.
• Feel this stretch across your entire back.
3. Chest (Arm on wall)
• Place your right hand on the wall shoulder height.
• Keep your right arm straight.
• Gently twist your body away from the wall stretching the chest muscle.
• Switch and stretch other side.
4. Tricep (Hand behind head )
• Point your right elbow to the sky above your head.
• Place your left hand on your right elbow and gently push.
• Try and reach your right hand down your back.
5. Arm Across Body
• With your left hand, gently pull your right arm across your body.
• Keep you right shoulder down.
• Right arm remains straight.
6. Hands on Wall Lat Stretch
• Place both hands on wall, shoulder height.
• Walk back while lowering head between arms.
• Do not move your hands.
• This stretches your sides (lats.)
7. Forearm/Wrist Stretch
• Place your right hand down to your side.
• With your left hand, pull back on your right hand fingers,keeping your right palm pointed towards the ground.
• To stretch the wrist, place your left hand on top of your right hand and gently bend your right hand towards your forearm.
8. Humped Back , Arched Back
• While standing, bend at the waist and hump your back as far as possible.
• Round your back and shoulders.
• Arched back is the same as above, just opposite.
• Arch your back as far as possible.
• Open chest and squeeze shoulder blades together.
9. Standing Quads
• While standing,place your right foot in your right hand.
• While keeping your legs together and right knee pointed at the ground, gently try and move your right leg forward while resisting with your right hand.
10. Standing Hamstrings
• Use your bike for this one. While standing, place your right foot on the seat of your bike (or a chair or table).
• Rotate your torso forward by pivoting at the hips and reaching for your toes.
• Keep your right knee soft (do NOT lock it out).
• Do not hump your back to try and extend the stretch. Again, pivot at your hips keeping your head up and back straight.
• Imagine trying to lower your chest to your thigh.
11. Calf Stretch
• Place both hands on wall for support.
• Place one or both feet about 5 feet from wall and force your heel to the ground.
• You should be able to draw a straight line from your heel to you head.
• To help increase this stretch, flex your quad and then relax.
12. Inner Thigh and Hip Stretch
• Place feet much wider than shoulders width.
• Place both hands on the right knee and slowly move to the right.
• Keep your left knee straight, and NEVER let your right knee go past 90 degrees.
13. Standing Aerobic Style Hamstrings
• This one is hard to explain so look at the picture.
• Keep your back straight and pivot at your hips.
• Imagine moving your chest towards your thigh.
• Place both hands on the leg you are NOT stretching.
• Keep you knee soft (do NOT lock out).
14. Runners Stretch (Right leg forward then Left leg forward)
• While facing to the side, move one leg as far back as possible.
• Lower your hips toward the ground.
• Rear leg remains straight, front leg goes to 90 degrees.
• NEVER go past 90 degrees on front leg.
15. One knee hamstring stretch (Left foot forward)
• From the advanced runner's position, drop your rear knee to the ground.
• Front foot should have heel on ground with toes pointed up (the farther the better).
• Pivot at the hips keeping your back as straight as possible.
• Again try and lower your chest to your thigh.
16. Side Splits
• From the "One Knee Hamstring" stretch position, move the leg that you were sitting on as far back as possible.
• Use your hands for support, and assume the side split position.
• This is an extremely advanced position and should be used with caution.
• Remember, you should only feel slight discomfort, NOT pain!
17. One knee hamstring stretch (Right foot forward)
• See above
18. Side Splits
• See above
19. Ankle to Knee Hip Flexor (Right then Left)
• While lying on your back, place your right ankle on your left knee.
• Place both hands on the back of your left leg and gently pull, rolling your hips off the ground.
• Head can either be lifted or resting on the floor.
20. Leg Overs
• Lay flat on back with arms out to each side.
• Take one leg and cross it over your body stretching the lower and middle back.
• Keep shoulder blades pressed to floor.
• If you feel ANY discomfort in your lower back, STOP.
21. Back Roles
• While lying on your back, tuck your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around your knees and rock yourself back-and-forth messaging your back.
• You can also rock side-to-side.
• When complete, rock yourself to a sitting position.
22. Sitting Legs forward,Hamstring/Hip Flexor Stretch
• Place both legs straight out in front of you.
• With your knees slightly bent and back straight, pivot at your hips and move your chest towards your thighs.
• Do NOT round your back to increase the stretch.
• Look straight ahead and reach for your toes.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
week after glazed days
On another note, this is a slightly more strenuous workout, if you are not healthy this may not be the best workout for you. Don’t overdo it, get healthy it sucks nursing and injury all season do what needs to be done to get back to 100%.
Last the workout is more of an explosive workout so keep that in mind when you are doing the exercises and accelerating explode like a stick of dynamite.
Depth Jumps- You are going to need something that is about 18-30 inches off the ground that you can stand on.
Plyo-pushups- do a push up to lift your hands of the ground clap while in the air. If you have to regular pushups are fine.
Side plank with leg raise-do a side plank and continually raise and lower your top leg while staying balanced.
Single Leg Romanian Dead lift (bodyweight) if you have weight and feel comfortable using it feel free
Warm-up (either one is fine)-I do want to add one thing for the new warm-up do the hip-flexor stretch where you go on one knee and lean away from your back leg.
3 strides
10 Depth jumps 2 sets 1-2 minutes rest
5 Soft S 2 sets 2 minutes rest
4 suicides 0-10-20-30-40
Core (The main idea here is to be explosive with the exercises except the Romanian Dead Lifts) 20 work 10 rest. 3 minutes rest 2-3 sets
Squat jumps for height
Jack-knife sit ups
Side-plank with leg raises left
Side plank with leg raises right
One leg ankle hops left
One leg ankle hops right
One leg Romanian dead lifts right
One leg Romanian dead lifts left
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Lunge walk with body twist towards front leg
high knee walk pull your knee to your chest with your hands
Toe walk
heel walk
Ballerina walk
Sideways skip (both sides)
Backward skip
Power skips for height
Arm Circles
Butt kicks
3 strides
Shuttle runs -have 3 cones in a line ten yards between cones start in the middle facing so that you have a cone on each side. You are going to turn and sprint to one cone stop at that cone and sprint to the other end cone then stop and sprint back to the middle cone. When you are turning at the end cones make sure you turn to the left for one and the right for the other.
Series Stops- place cones at 0-10-25-40 yards you are going to sprint each cone and stopping completely at each cone they are just like the regular stops just more of them.
5xW's 2 sets 1 minute rest
3xShuttle runs 10 yards runs 3 sets 1-2 minutes rest
3xSeries Stops 3 sets 2-3 mins rest
Core (Enter Tabata)
Pick one of the following 3 exercises depending on what equipment you have available. The core is very short but effective this week you are going to repeat the exercise for 20 secs then you get 10 seconds rest you will repeat this cycle 8 times totaling 4 minutes. You will need a stop watch or a clock with a second hand. For this there are some watches you can program and i have even seen some computer programs that do this. Google "wod timer"
Thrusters (you will need two dumbbells of the same weight 8,10, or 15 lbs. for the women and 15,20, or 25 for men) this is mostly a guess with the weight I may be a little on the lite side. These are great so if you can give them a shot.
kettle bell high pull (you probably can use a dumbbell I just wanted to get options probably something in the 45 lb wight for men and 30 for women)
burpees Imagine most people are going to have to do these they are a tough great workout.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
week 6
30 yard sprints w/ 10 yard backpedal- start by slowly accelerating so that you are at about 90 percent of your top speed when you get to the 30 yard cone and instead of stopping you are going to backpedal for ten yards instead of stopping.
Warm -up
3 Strides & extra streching
3x Hard "S" 3 sets 1-2 min rest
5x30 yard stops w/ back pedal 10 yards 3 sets 1-2 min rest
3x70 yard sprints 3 sets 2 min rest
Core Circuit 30 sec Work 15 sec Rest 2-3 sets w/ 2 mins rest between sets
1. Left Plank
2. Right Plank
3. Squat Hops
4. Pushups
5. Bicycles
6. jumping jacks or Jumping rope
7. Front Planks
8. Pelvic twists
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Track Week 5
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Track Week 4
Here is a cool article for those of you who want to learn stuff about sprinting. Keep in mind this is a track article and cant always be used on the field. Cause they dont have to change direction or stop suddenly.
The exercises
Split Squat Jump-Start from a forward lunge position chest upright and tall shoulders back slightly you are going to repeatedly jump from this position for the required time.
Jack-knife Sit ups- this one is thanks to the wii lay on your back legs straight and arms on the floor above your head your are going to do a sit up bringing your arms and your legs ups the goal is to tough your toes with your hands but if the best you can do is a V thats okay also.
Floor Wipers- Watch this video and ignore the bar bell and the 90 lbs sitting on it
Back planks- lay on the floor facing up you are going to raise your body while resting on the back of your shoulders and heels.
Tuck Jumps- Jump while driving your knees to your chest and then back down to the floor. Jump agains as soon as your toes hit the ground. you are aimming for speed here not height.
3x40 yard strides 1 set 1-5 minutes rest for stretching if necessary
5xW's 2 sets do all 5 reps starting from the same cone, on the second set start from the other side 1 minute rest
3x Soft S's 3 sets 1-2 minutes rest
4x40 yard sprints 3 sets walk back to the start cone (use this time for a short rest between reps)2-3 minutes rest
Core workout 30 s work 15 secs rest 2-3 sets
1. Split Squat Jump Left leg front
2. Push-ups
3. Jack Knife sit-ups
4. Split Squat jump right leg front
5. Floor Wipers
6. Back Planks
7. Tuck Jumps
Monday, July 13, 2009
Track week of 7/13
This week we are going to do things a little different. We are going to do the core workout first then the track workout.
Front planks with moving object- on your forearms and toes like a regular front plank, have a water bottle in front of you. You are going to pick up and move the object 1 foot or so to the right with your right hand put it down then pick it back up with your right hand and put in back in front of you. Then do the same with your left hand. While you are moving the object you should have 3 points of contact with the ground, One forearm and 2 feet.
Wall pushups- are to be done with one hand at what ever angle you can handle, other hand behind your back or at your side.
hour glasses-place 4 cones in a 10 yard square and run the following pattern


Reverse lunges- like a regular lunge but your stepping backwards.
10 yard starts- just like the first week except you will do one set at the start facing forward, backward, facing left, and facing right. You turn to foward then sprint on the sets you are not facing forward. (These have gotten me in trouble so be careful where you do these, people might think you are attacking them.
Warm-up (I am going to put together an new one for workouts for those of you tired of oatmeal)
Core circuit2-3 sets w/ 3 minutes rest
1. Tricept Bench Dip
2. Body weight squats
3. Front planks with moving object
4. Reverse lunges
5. Burpees w/o push-up
6. Pelvic Twist
7. Left arm wall pushups
8.Right arm wall pushups

3x 40 yard strides
5x10 yard starts 4 sets (one facing each direction at the start) 1 min rest
3x10 yard hour glasses 3 sets 1-2 min rest
8x20/10's 1 set
Monday, July 06, 2009
Track Workouts7/5-11
AT- Training for this week, for the people not going to league, is to run 400's. A little different though, warm up like normal. Then you are going to sprint the first 100 and jog, not walk, the 300 at your recovery speed. Not sure of you recovery speed? Jog the 300 as fast as your body will let you, if you have to slow down, do so. Do this for about 6-8 400's.
30 yard sprint and backs with push-up starts, you will need to cones one at 0 yards and one at 30 yards. start as if you were in the bottom of a push-up then do a push up and begin sprinting from that position. Sprint to 30 yards and stop quickly at the cone and sprint back to the start, just like a cut hmmmm...... when you get back to the start decelerate at a moderate pace (after the cone) and walk to the cone then, repeat.
canoes- sit with you legs bent and in the air and back as straight as possible, the only thing that should be touching the floor is your butt. Either put your hands together or hold a weight and twist your body placing the weight/hands by your hips in a semicircular motion. You will preform the side to side motion by twisting your core side to side (more body movement than arm movement).
Squat Hops with reach feet shoulder width apart, quickly bend knees to 90 degrees and jump as high as you can, be sure to use your arms when you jump. Arms should be at 90 degrees and swing them backward as you are squatting down then froward and up while you are jumping. While in the air reach one hand up (alternate between jumps) as if to catch a disc hmmmm again....... When you land quickly squat down again and repeat.
mermaids- lay on your back with you feet 6 inches off the ground raise them to like 12 from there (18" from the ground) like you are a dolphin swimming in a sea of pain which you will project on to your opponents.
Warm up (The usual Rival warm-up plus what ever stretching you want to do)
3- 40 yard strides-1 set
5-10 yard starts-2 sets w/ 1 min rest between sets
5-Stops- 3 sets w/ 1 min rest
3-30 yard "sprint and backs" with push-up starts -3 sets 2-3 mins rest between sets
Core Circuit 30 sec Work 15 sec Rest 2-3 sets w/ 2 mins rest between sets
1. Canoes with or without weight
2. Squat Hops with reach
3. Mermaids/Mermens
4. Push-ups
5. Front Planks
6. Jumping jacks or Jumping rope
7. Pelvic twists
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thursday, February 08, 2007
What's Your Cardio?
With that in mind, I'm finding that my cardio workouts have sort of taken a back seat to weight training. This trend is actually sort of surprising to me- I usually hate weight training. But I guess now I'm paying more attention to it and realizing that, suddenly, I've spent an hour on legs and hips and I'm hungry and my cat is getting very lonely at home alone and I should probably go now.
I think my weight training time will start to go down a little as I get more comfortable with the levers and pulleys and incline benches and the meatheads perpetually attached to them, so maybe I'll be able to squeeze in some more cardio in the near future. Also, once the weather warms up, I can definitely do some morning track workouts like I did with Quisty last year.
BUT- all this to say that I'm still having trouble planning weekly cardio. I have access to everything I could possibly need at this point, but I'm just not sure how to make efficient use of my time. So I'm curious as to what others are doing/would recommend in terms of what to do, how often to do it, for how long, etc. I know Erin was sort of looking at the following after meeting with her trainer:
Do cardio 3-4 times a week – 2-3 times do intervals before or after strength, plus 1 long run/other cross-training activity such as running, jump ropes (3 sets of 100, 1-leg 2 sets of 50), spin class, racquetball. Make sure that you have at least 4-7 intervals of whatever intensity/speed you are doing.
What do you guys consider "long"? Longer than 30 minutes? Longer than an hour? Do you really think the jumping program is enough cardio (whatever that means)? I have questions! Who has answers?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
VB Alert Week 3?
I started over with VB Alert, and yesterday finally got to move on to week 3 which has new exercises. For weeks 3 and 4, you continue doing 2 exercises from weeks 1 and 2, and you add 2 new exercises. Yesterday, Fox and I did jump rope and jump and reach from week 1-2 and added no arm jumps and laundry jumps. According to VB Alert, no arm jumps will make you puke, but we didn't find them to be that bad, I wonder if we're doing them wrong. The laundry jumps (jump back and forth over object, perhaps a laundry basket) hurt my toe a little, but overall the workout was not as bad as I feared, though my hams and calves are quite sore today. For the laundry jumps, VB Alert suggests using a "very collapsible" object to jump over. We didn't have a laundry basket, so we stacked up some of those blue yoga bricks. Fox completely wiped out on the first set and almost took me out with him (even though we set up about 6 feet apart). It was hilarious, I don't know how the 4 other random people in the room kept a straight face.
We've also gotten several other Rivalers doing VB Alert at the Saturday track workouts. The jumping rope is a big hit. One thing I like about the program is that it is very easy to do anywhere really, you just need a jump rope and enough room to jump up. That, and it doesn't take very long, so there is really no excuse for not doing it 3 times a week. Unless you have a bad toe. Seriously, it's debilitating, who da thunk?
Last thing, I re-measured my vertical prior to my second week 2. I've gained about 1-1.5 inches. However, I had done nothing for about a month before the first time I measured, so doing any workout probably would have shown some improvement.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
VB Alert Week 1
I did the same exercises on Tuesday, when Fox joined me, giving up on Air Alert as well. He looks like Vanilla Ice when he does the one legged jumping rope. On Thursday, we went to the gym and did the jump and reach and pool jumps. The jump and reaches are fairly tough, and I think they worked my abs. Weird. The pool jumps make you look like a complete idiot. They're fun though. For the first set of exercises, I would rank their difficulty from hardest to easiest as: Jumping rope, jump and reach, pool jumping, square jumping.
Again, I like that the total reps are lower, and that the intensity is higher (particularly for the one legged jumping rope). There is still a fair amount of endurance involved, 5x15 jump and reaches will make you tired.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Well, I Did It
I joined a gym. I actually used to be a member of a gym, but it was close to my house. After a while, I realized part of the reason I rarely went was because I felt most inclined to work out in the middle of the day. Thus, I need to join a gym close to work. As it turns out, LA Fitness (gah!) is close to work. AND close to home (you can go to multiple locations, yo!).
I'm actually excited about the one near me because it has a lap pool, so I've already been a-swimmin' in it. I'm not sure swimming is really going to improve my Ultimate game, but it sure does wear me out.
I also tried out the StairMaster Stair Mill (that's just an awful name, isn't it?) today. EQC and Wood were talking about this recently- it really is brutal! It's not the traditional StairMaster but the moving staircase one. HARD. I'm pretty psyched to try this out for intervals and possibly even for working on speed. Wood (or anyone else), what do you think? Could that be an adequate substitute for running stadiums/hills as fast as possible?
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Air Alert done
I had added about an inch after just one week to my vertical, but I'm pretty sure that was just because I had done nothing for the previous month. I guess we'll see how Fox does with it. Has anyone started the volleyball workout yet?
Monday, December 18, 2006
Alternate vertical leap program
Also, I moved the blog to the beta blogger. Not sure what that means yet...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Pre-Season Workouts
Fox and I started Air Alert yesterday. I'm not really sold on Air Alert, too many reps if you ask me, but I'm going to give it 6 weeks. If I don't see any improvement in my vertical by then, I'm going to switch to a different program. Because Air Alert is so hard on the legs (3 days a week and literally hundreds to thousands of reps), Fox and I aren't doing any other leg work, or even any cardio (I may sneak in some light cardio now and then). To supplement, I'm doing some upper body work and core work.
Twice a week I do a core workout. It consists of:
- Bridges - Front (plank with elbows and toes only on the ground), side (forearm and side of foot), and back (on back, shoulders/head and heels). I do 3 sets of 30 seconds for the front, and 3 sets of 20 seconds for the (each)side and back.
- Upper abs - 2 sets of 15 of an upper ab exercise - swiss ball crunches, incline bench crunches, cable pulldown crunches.
- Lower abs - 2 sets of 15 of a lower ab exercise - leg lifts, hanging knee lifts
- Obliques - 2 sets of 15 of an oblique exercise - medicine ball twists (sit with knees bent, feet off the ground, hold the medicine ball above stomach then move it from side to side), side bends, various oblique machines.
For my upper body routine, I split it up into two days. I'm trying to develop strength to prevent injury (my shoulders are in bad shape). I also don't want to add much size (I'm so big already), so I do high weight and low reps. I also do some rotator cuff exercises twice a week.
Day 1
- 5x5 Pullups
- 4x5 Bent over rows
- 2x5 Dips
- 2x5 Bicep curls
- 3x10 external shoulder rotation
- 3x10 45 degree one straight-armed rows
- 5x5 bench press
- 4x5 military press
- 2x5 wrist curls
- 2x5 reverse wrist curls
- 3x10 external shoulder rotation
- 3x10 45 degree one straight-armed rows
Other than that, get out and play. Try and throw at least once a week. Work on your weak throws. If possible, get a couple of people to join you so that you can throw against a mark. Once a week I plan on running and throwing (throw, run away 5 yards, cut back, catch, throw...).
Friday, October 06, 2006
Caffiene - Yes. Alcohol - No
The article discusses caffiene and alcohol, specifically their diuretic effects and implications for atheletes. Interestingly, caffiene provides several ergogenic effects. It enhances endurance performance, and stimulates the release of adrenaline and dopamine. Adrenaline allows for stronger muscle contraction, and dopamine increases alertness.
What about the hydration issues though? Well, several studies have shown that caffienated beverages do not have a significant impact on hydration, particularly in atheletes. The one study that did suggest problems was when participants were required to not have caffiene for an extended period, then take caffiene. In this situation there was a mild diuretic effect. So, if you plan on drinking caffiene at Nationals, you might want to reconsider abstaining beforehand.
That said, soda is very sugary, and not good for you in general. As per my previous post on the glycemic index, you should avoid sugary drinks. So if you want to cut out sodas, it's a good thing.
As for alcohol, the news is bad. Alcohol can reduce the body's ability to recover from exercise for up to 22 hours. It does act as a diuretic (at least anything over 4% alcohol), and because it stays in your body for a while, you shouldn't drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before playing. So that's 48 hours before, and long enough after that you're able to rehydrate, say, 24 hours. Alcohol is also calorie high, so it has the same problems as sugary soda drinks.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Crazy Cores
Hey Everyone,
So I've always been a strong believer that if you core/abs are strong then your body benefits greatly!
So, because I have a fat tummy now, I have started doing my ab work-outs after track and in my limited free time...
This workout is what I used to do when I was swimming and sparing for martial arts.
I. Single Bikes-
*There are two very effective ways to do these. Hands on the floor and hands off. Both will create a different work out so I usually do both. (If you know about these, forgive me for the explanation)
1. With your hands on the floor (not elbows, but palms flat, usually a little bit behind you) pull your legs up with your knees bent to your chest. This is considered a starting position. With single bikes you are going to extend one leg at a time pointing your toes as straight as possible. Follow then with your other leg while pulling the other one back to your chest. Like riding a bike. To really get your sides involved with this, swing your shoulders, opposite shoulder to opposite knee. (Does this make sense? I'm bad at explanations sometimes)
2. Hands off the floor. Usually its good to cross your arms close to your chest. Again, swinging motion helps sides.
So the work out:
Single Bikes- Repeat two times
1. Hands on the floor: 40 seconds
2. Hands off: 20 seconds
3. Hands on floor: 30 seconds
4. Hands off: 15 seconds
(Obviously you can change the times needed for these...)
2. Double Bikes-
1. Same as single but your are keeping your legs together. Be careful because this one can hurt your back. If your back starts to hurt, stop =)
1. Hands on the floor - 30 seconds
2. Off the Floor- 20 seconds
3. Hands on the floor - 25 seconds
4. Off the floor-15 seconds
Repeat if desired
Its good to do crunches, but I usually do mine differently.
I do 90 degree crunches and pikes.
90 degree- While laying down, make yourself look like you are sitting in a chair. Your legs should be bent, but your knees should be at a 90 degree angle. Don't let your feet fall down, keep them straight, too. (Putting your feet on a living room table is usually good).
Then there is the pike position. All the divers make the pretty pike dives, where there legs are straight in the air. So in these crunches- your legs are together and straight in the air. Point your toes and you are going to try and push your body to make your finger tips go up past your knees. (Eventually, you want to be able to touch your toes. Crazy hard, but not impossible. I can't do it anymore, but it should be fun to try!) Be careful with these, they can hurt your back, too.
1. 90 degree- 2 x 40
2. Pikes - 2 x 15
3. 90 degree - 2 x 20
4. Pikes 2 x 10
Finally, the famous 6 inches! Or Leg Raises =)
Lay flat on your back and raise your legs 6 inches
Be sure to do these properly!
Hold for 40; 30; 25; 20; 10
between each, rest for 5-8 seconds
Feel free to change the times, but those are what Im going to really start doing as often as possible!!!
Hope this helps. If anyone wants to see exactly what they look like, find me at the fields or something!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Improving top speed
"My workout buddy is looking for a program to work more on top speed and less on endurance. Any ideas?"First, here is an article with some basics from
Second, our track workouts are really geared more towards develloping speed and quickness than they are towards endurance. The intervals we'll end up doing, the 20/10s are much better than most endurance running for speed because the intervals are recruiting your fast twitch fibers as well as your slow twitch fibers, while most long distance endurance running just uses your slow twitch fibers. Because the intervals don't take very long, and work equally well (perhaps better) if you are a little fatigued, I'm scheduling speed and quickness drills in addition to the intervals.
As pointed out in the article above, speed is about form and strength. Form can be tough to work on by yourself (or without someone who knows how you should be running to begin with), but there are some things you can do. The falling starts we're doing work on form. For more info on falling starts and some discussion on form, check this post out. The swinging arm drills can be helpful, though they'll make you feel goofy. Also, running hills can help with form and strength, not big hills, just 15 degrees or so. And don't run down hill. The article talks about jogging down the hill to increase stride length, but I read recently (somewhere on this site) that downhill running can cause hamstring injuries.
The plyos we're doing will increase strength, you can do them 2-3 times a week. Running stadiums is a great way to increase strength and may help increase your stride length as well. If you're interested in lifting weights at all, that can obviously help with strength as well. The consensus seems to be that more weight, lower reps, lots of rest is better for develloping power. I go back and forth on what I think is good for ultimate. Currently I'm leaning towards 3 sets of 8 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets. I keep planning on posting my workout but I keep tweaking it. I also do a longer plyo routine, which I also keep tweaking.
If you'd like me to expand on a particular point, let me know.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Daddy D'z - A Good Reason To Do Your Track Workout At Phoenix Park
Anyhow- falling starts were started, with extra attention paid to arms (90 degree angles people), plus the above mentioned drills. We finished off with intervals which have not gotten any easier thanks to my 5 week break. Ha!
And, yes, we did reward ourselves with a nice helping of Daddy D'z afterwards. Mmmm . . . BBQ.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Lactic Acid good for you? A non-story.
Here's why it doesn't matter. It won't change how we train. You still want to increase the lactic acid threshold, only it doesn't mean you aren't producing lactic acid, it means your muscles are better able to use lactic acid. Endurance training increases mitochondria in muscle cells. Mitochondria burn lactic acid to produce energy for your muscles.
The scientists don't seem to know yet why you hit the wall, and why it coincides with that burning sensation in your muscles. And why, if you increase your lactic acid threshold (by increasing mitochondria), your muscles take longer to burn and you hit the wall later. My suspicion is that lactic acid is good, so long as you've got the mitochondria to burn it. Once you get too much you start getting the negative side-effects. I've got nothing to back that up but a hunch though.
FYI, the first story, by way of Lean & Hungry Fitness does mention that interval training is a good way of building up mitochondria.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Track Sunday
3x15 ankle hops
2x20 1 or 2 leg side-to-side jumps
10 falling starts (10 yards)
For the stadiums - Last week we did 10 big, walking down, then 10 small, walking down. This was enough to wear us out so well that we decided to skip intervals. I'd suggest maybe 5 big and 5 small + intervals. Or, if you're more concerned with strengthening, you can do the 10/10 (or 2-3 sets of the 5/5s).
Good luck.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Laying Off the Quads
I'm sure we could find a few exceptions, but this is probably true (assuming that we are doing exercises correctly and all that stuff).
However, I have heard and read a lot over the years about general over training of the quads. I'm not sure if this is primarily a female issue, but I think it has less to do with straining the quads and more with underdevelopment of other leg muscles.
In that spirit, I decided that while none of my muscles are currenlty being overused, I should probably take care to focus specifically on other muscle groups. Thus, I dipped back into the Ozone library for some hammy, glute, and posterior chain exercises.
The result? My quads still felt the most sore at the end of the day!
However, I do know that my glutes and hammies did get a workout cause I can feel it. But I think I must still be relying heavily on my quads to get through some of these exercises. Anyone else having this problem? Anyone have any ideas on how to really isolate these muscle groups- that don't involve machines not mentioned below (since that's about all I have!)?
For anyone who is interested, here's what I tried:
Hip Ab/Adductor machine - 3 x 12 each way
I love these, although the range of the machine in my condo workout room is awful. And somewhat off center. I have long legs, dammit!
Hamstring leg curl machine - 3 x 10 on each leg
This machine is also sort of craptacular and especially wobbly because it doubles as a leg extension machine as well, but hell- it gets the job done.
Romanian (stiff-legged) dead lifts - 1 x 10 (3 sec lower; 2 sec hold; 3 sec return)
This is performed with barbell in hand, legs greater than hip width apart. The first movement is initiation of anterior pelvic tilt. This is performed by thinking about ‘sticking your butt out’ and then sitting back. Keeping a straight back and the knees flexed to 10-30 degrees, the weight is lowered to knee level. The lifter will feel a sensation of the hamstrings stretching. The position is held and then the body position is returned to the start.
I did these incorrectly last time, so I'm looking forward to doing them again now that I understand the motion (it only took reading through it 8 times).
Reverse dumbbell lunge - 2 x 12 per leg
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with arms at sides, palms facing in. Step your right foot back 2 to 3 feet, keeping your weight on your left foot. Lower right knee until it’s just above the floor; press up with left leg to return to starting position.
I had a really hard time doing these without feeling like all of the work was being done by my quads. Anyone have any suggestions?
Ball leg curl - 2 x 10
Lie face up on the floor with heels centered on a stability ball, arms out to sides with palms down. Lift your pelvis up until your body forms a straight line from hells to shoulders. Use your heels to pull the ball toward you as you bend knees toward chest. When you can’t bring the ball any closer to your butt, return to starting position.
I have no idea how this is working lower rear muscles, at least the way I was doing it, but I may keep doing it just because it's so hard to stay balanced (maybe that's how it works? Hell if I know). I love a challenge!
Bi-planar lunge with overhead press - 2 x 6 per leg
Stand erect holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides. Lunge forward with your right leg, then curl the dumbbells to your shoulders. From there, flip your wrists and press the weights overhead. While still in the lunge position, lower the dumbbells down to your sides (reversing the press and curl along the same path). Push through your right leg to return to the start. Then perform a lateral lunge with your right leg and reach over to touch the dumbbells to the floor, one on either side of your foot. Return to the start position, then alternate legs.
These were awesome. But again- I feel like I'm doing too much work with my quads when I'm supposed to be working the stuff in the back.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Sprint Training
Edelman Has Too Many Blogs
Edelman linked this article on his other blog, and although I guess most of it is pretty common sense, I found it very interesting. It's about the Glycogen Window and what and when to consume after a workout.
Sorry if this is posted somewhere on this site. Maybe it warrants reposting anyway!
Eileen's Abs Workout
Also, for the push-ups, you can alternate in some tricep pushups (where your hands are closer together) or whatever sort of torture you prefer in the push-up family.
One quick note- from my limited pilates experience, I would say that it is probably a good idea to observe the following posture (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) when doing these:
a) When flat on your back, keep your neck long (out of the top of your head, as they say) and your shoulders on the ground. In other words, don't scrunch your shoulders up or sway from side to side.
b) When your abs are engaged (so, generally speaking, your head is off the ground), make sure that your lower back is pressing into the ground. Moreover, you want to "hollow out" so that you are holding your abs in, not pushing them out- so your shoulders are down, your rib cage is lifted, your tummy sucked in (I think my instructor always said to pull it "under your rib cage"), and again- long back and neck. You sort of want to be a C shape in your core.
c) Don't roll from one hip to the other when you're doing side to side exercises. This is really hard sometimes, too. I'm pretty sure it's ok and even necessary to shift weight a bit (especially on toe touches), but if you're rolling around, you're losing the benefit of the exercise. Thinking about keeping your lower back pressed down can help with this, though.
Ok, so this is the workout:
Lie on your back, knees bent. Raise your head off the floor until your trunk is at about a 45-degree angle. Twist from side to side rapidly 100 times. (KQ Note- arms crossed over chest is the way I've been doing these and seen them done)
Flip right over and do 5 push-ups.
Next, do 25 crunches.
6 push-ups.
Then do 30 toe-touches. Lift your legs in the air at a 90-degree angle to your body, raise your torso, and reach with one hand for the opposite leg. Do 15 each leg.
7 push-ups.
Do 50 “Rocky Balboas”, or twist crunches. One knee bent, other straight, hands behind your head. Reach one elbow towards the opposite knee. Alternate sides. (KQ Note- I prefer hands to ears so you don't pull on your neck. And really try to keep your shoulders down, away from your ears)
8 push-ups.
Next, do 50 high-speed bicycles. (KQ Note- on back, arms at side. Lift legs up at 90 degree angle, then lift pelvis up off the ground. Arms can help balance. Move legs in a bicycle-y way!)
9 push-ups.
50 crunches.
10 push-ups.
UPDATE: See some great additional notes on these exercises from Jim over on Lean and Hungry Fitness. Awesome!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Pre-Season, Voluntary Track Workouts
Here's the plan for Sunday at Grady at 3pm. Should take around 30-45 minutes I'd guess.
3x15 ankle hops
2x20 1 or 2 leg side-to-side jumps
10 falling starts (10 yards)